Before you start

  1. Wall Preparation: Your wall must be dry, clean, and grease-free. Although non-woven wallpaper can hide small imperfections, it is best to level out significant damage. If your wall is brightly colored, a light undercoat can be applied to camouflage these tones. Before applying wallpaper, remove any residue from previous wallpaper.
  2. Cut the Roll: Unroll the wallpaper roll along the dotted line. Make sure the strips are unfolded correctly and the edges match perfectly. If there is a problem, contact us for a replacement.
  3. Preparing the Glue: If using our Artfulprivacy glue, dissolve a 50g sachet in 1 liter of cold water and wait 15 minutes. After this time, mix the glue until smooth, and you are ready to begin application.

During Installation

Now that you've set the stage, let's move on to the crucial step of installation:

  1. Mark Vertical Lines: Use a spirit level and ruler to draw vertical lines on your wall every 50cm. These lines will serve as a guide for applying the wallpaper strips.
  2. Apply the Glue: Apply the glue to the part of the wall where the first strip of wallpaper will be placed. Use a paintbrush to ensure an even coat of glue, being careful not to get any on the wallpaper itself.
  3. Prepare the Wallpaper Strip: Take the first wallpaper strip, gently fold it downward from the bottom to avoid getting it dirty.
  4. Stick the Strip: Place the top part of the strip in the correct location on the wall and gently unroll it downwards, sticking it along its entire length.
  5. Adjust the Alignment: Make sure the first strip is perfectly aligned along the drawn line. If necessary, slide the band gently to adjust it.
  6. Smooth the Surface: Use a wallpaper brush to remove air bubbles using circular motions from the center of the strip to the edges, top to bottom. Be careful not to get the brush dirty with glue.
  7. Repeat Process: Repeat these steps for subsequent strips of wallpaper, ensuring that the patterns match correctly.

After Installation

Once the wallpaper is in place, be sure to take these final steps:

  1. Clean Up Excess Glue: Use a lightly dampened sponge or soft cloth to remove any excess glue. Be careful not to rub too hard to avoid damaging the print.
  2. Final Detail: After smoothing the entire surface, carefully cut out all unnecessary elements, including the white edges. Make sure the cutter is clean and, if it is very sharp, be careful not to tear the wallpaper.

Video: Installation of non-woven wallpaper.

a white husky dog in a living room, the dog is standing over a black couch and there's a gray non woven wallpaper in the back wall of this living room

To keep your wallpaper in good condition

Here are some tips for maintaining your non-woven wallpaper:

  • Dust your non-woven wallpaper regularly with a soft cloth.
  • Clean light stains with a damp sponge and a little mild soap.
  • For more stubborn stains, use a mixture of water and white vinegar.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage your wallpaper.
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