The Complete Guide on Installing Wall Murals in the Bedroom

The Complete Guide on Installing Wall Murals in the Bedroom


Installing a wall mural in a bedroom can transform the space, adding a unique and personalized touch. Whether you want to create a serene retreat, a bold statement, or a whimsical escape, the placement and installation of the mural are crucial for achieving the desired look. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the best ways to install a wall mural in a bedroom, covering various wall placement scenarios and providing expert tips for a flawless installation.

Preparing for Installation

Measure Your Wall

Before your mural arrives, measure the wall where you plan to install it. Accurate measurements are essential as most murals are custom-made to fit your specific dimensions. Measure the width and height of the wall, and if the wall has any irregularities such as sloping ceilings or windows, take those into account. Add a few extra centimeters to your measurements to ensure full coverage, especially if your walls are not perfectly straight.

Gather Your Tools

Having the right tools on hand will make the installation process smoother. Here’s a list of essential tools you’ll need:

  • Tape measure
  • Spirit level
  • Plumb line
  • Pencil
  • Sharp Stanley knife
  • Scissors
  • Wallpaper paste (if not using peel-and-stick)
  • Paintbrush
  • Roller
  • Smoother
  • Sponge and bucket
  • Step ladder

Prepare the Wall

A smooth, clean wall is crucial for a successful mural installation. Remove any existing wallpaper, nails, or picture hooks. Fill any holes and sand the wall to remove imperfections. Clean the wall with a detergent or sugar soap to remove grease and dust, and let it dry completely.

Installing the Wall Mural

Step 1: Mark Your Starting Point

Using a tape measure, mark the starting point for your mural. If your mural is divided into panels, start from the left side of the wall. Use a plumb line to draw a vertical line from the ceiling to the floor. This line will serve as a guide to ensure your first panel is straight.

Step 2: Apply Wallpaper Paste

If you are using a traditional wallpaper mural, mix the wallpaper paste according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply an even coat of paste to the wall where the first panel will go. For peel-and-stick murals, you can skip this step.

Step 3: Hang the First Panel

Carefully align the top of the first panel with the ceiling and the vertical guide line. Smooth the panel from the center outwards to remove any air bubbles. Use a smoother tool to ensure the panel adheres well to the wall. Trim any excess material at the top and bottom with a sharp Stanley knife.

Step 4: Hang Subsequent Panels

For murals that come in multiple panels, align the next panel with the edge of the first one. Some murals have a slight overlap to ensure a seamless look. Continue this process, smoothing each panel and trimming excess material as you go. Make sure the pattern or image aligns correctly between panels.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Once all panels are in place, use a sponge and warm water to remove any excess paste from the surface of the mural. Dry the mural with a clean, soft cloth. Reattach any removed outlet covers or fixtures.

Best Wall Placement Scenarios

Feature Wall

A feature wall is the most common placement for a wall mural. This is typically the wall behind the bed, as it serves as a focal point in the room. A mural on the feature wall can create a dramatic backdrop and set the tone for the entire bedroom. Choose a design that complements your bedroom’s color scheme and style.

Adjacent Walls

For a more immersive experience, consider extending the mural across two adjacent walls. This can create a panoramic effect, making the room feel larger and more cohesive. Ensure the design flows seamlessly from one wall to the next for the best visual impact.


For a truly unique look, consider installing a mural on the ceiling. This can create a whimsical or serene atmosphere, depending on the design. A sky or galaxy mural can make the ceiling feel higher and add a dreamy quality to the bedroom.

Nooks and Alcoves

If your bedroom has architectural features like nooks or alcoves, these can be perfect spots for a mural. A mural in a reading nook or above a built-in bench can add depth and interest to these areas. Choose a design that enhances the cozy feel of the space.

Behind Furniture

Murals can also be placed behind large pieces of furniture, such as dressers or desks. This can create a layered look and add visual interest without overwhelming the room. Ensure the mural design complements the furniture and overall decor.

Achieving the Desired Look

Serene and Relaxing

For a calming and serene bedroom, choose a mural with soft colors and natural elements. Landscapes, seascapes, and botanical designs can create a peaceful atmosphere. Opt for muted tones and gentle patterns to enhance the relaxing vibe.

Bold and Dramatic

If you want to make a bold statement, go for a mural with vibrant colors and striking designs. Abstract art, geometric patterns, and cityscapes can add a dynamic and energetic feel to the bedroom. Balance the bold mural with neutral furnishings to avoid overwhelming the space.

Whimsical and Fun

For a playful and whimsical look, choose a mural with imaginative designs and bright colors. This is especially great for children’s bedrooms. Animal motifs, fairy tale scenes, and cartoon characters can create a fun and engaging environment.

Elegant and Sophisticated

To achieve an elegant and sophisticated look, opt for a mural with classic designs and rich colors. Damask patterns, vintage maps, and architectural drawings can add a touch of refinement to the bedroom. Pair the mural with luxurious fabrics and elegant furniture for a cohesive look.

Tips for a Flawless Installation

Take Your Time

Rushing the installation process can lead to mistakes. Take your time to ensure each panel is aligned correctly and free of air bubbles. Double-check your measurements and alignment before applying each panel.

Use a Helper

Installing a wall mural can be a two-person job, especially for larger murals. Having a helper can make it easier to handle large panels and ensure they are aligned correctly. One person can hold the panel in place while the other smooths it down.

Keep Tools Handy

Keep all your tools within reach during the installation process. This includes your smoother, Stanley knife, sponge, and any other tools you might need. Having everything on hand will make the process more efficient and less stressful.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

Every mural and manufacturer may have specific instructions for installation. Always read and follow the provided instructions to ensure the best results. If you have any doubts, consult the manufacturer or seek professional advice.


Installing a wall mural in your bedroom can be a rewarding DIY project that transforms your space. By carefully preparing your wall, using the right tools, and following a step-by-step process, you can achieve a professional-looking result. Consider the best placement for your mural to enhance the overall design of your bedroom, and choose a design that reflects your personal style. With patience and attention to detail, you can create a stunning focal point that adds character and charm to your bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wall Murals in the Bedroom:

What is the best type of wall for installing a wall mural?
Smooth, clean walls are ideal for mural installation. Avoid textured walls, as they can make it difficult to achieve a seamless finish. If your walls have existing wallpaper, remove it before installing the mural.
Can I install a mural over existing paint?
Yes, you can install a mural over existing paint, but make sure the paint is smooth and free of imperfections. It's also a good idea to prime the wall beforehand for better adhesion.
How do I ensure my mural is aligned correctly?
Using a plumb line to mark a vertical guide on the wall is crucial for accurate alignment. Ensure you start with the first panel aligned to this line and continue aligning subsequent panels to the edges of the previous ones.
What are some tips for avoiding air bubbles?
When applying the mural, start smoothing from the center outwards to push air bubbles towards the edges. Use a smoother tool for a professional finish.
Can I remove a wall mural later?
Most traditional wallpaper murals can be removed, but it's best to check with the manufacturer for specific instructions. Peel-and-stick murals are generally easier to remove and can often be reapplied.
How long does it take to install a wall mural?
Installation time varies depending on the size and complexity of the mural. For a standard bedroom mural, it could take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.
Should I install a mural on a whole accent wall or just a part of the wall?
Depending on your liking and desired style, you can hang a wall mural that covers the whole wall or a part of the wall like a giant canvas. A full-wall mural creates a dramatic and immersive experience, while a partial mural acts as a focal point and can be used to highlight specific features.
Can I install a wall mural myself?
Yes, installing a wall mural is a DIY project that many homeowners can tackle. However, if you're not comfortable with the process, consider hiring a professional installer for a seamless and guaranteed result.
Where can I find inspiration for wall mural designs?
Explore online resources like Pinterest, Houzz, and design blogs for a wealth of inspiration. Look for designs that complement your bedroom’s style, colors, and overall ambiance, or simply: check out our extensive Wall Mural Collection to decorate any room you want

Video Showcase: A Video By the Brand: BYOT showcasing a Wall Mural Installation Step By Step:

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